Alex Nitkin is The Daily Line’s reporter covering Cook County and Chicago land use policy. He came to TDL from The Real Deal Chicago, where he covered Chicago real estate news. He previously worked at DNAinfo, first as a breaking news reporter, and then as a neighborhood reporter covering the city's Northwest Side. Nitkin graduated from Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism with a bachelor’s degree.
Solutions reporter, @IllinoisAnswers/@BetterGov. Formerly of @thedailylinechi, @trdchicago & @DNAinfoChi. Amateur baker. Tips: [email protected]Watchdog calls on county to tighten cybersecurity after health employees fall victim to ‘payroll fraud scheme’
Cook County President Toni Preckwinkle, who also serves as party chair, will announce the shake-up during the party’s annual convention Wednesday afternoon, she told The Daily Line on Tuesday.
Preckwinkle to dump members from party leadership in post-election reshuffle
A group of west-suburban Democratic Party officials is scheduled to consider nearly a dozen candidates to replace former Cook County Comm. Jeffrey Tobolski (D-16) during a semi-virtual meeting Wednesday evening.
Berwyn Mayor Robert Lovero, who is the Democratic committeeperson for Berwyn Township, will oversee what he called “social distancing protocols” in light of the coronavirus pandemic when he hosts the meeting at 7 p.m. at the Italian American Civic Organization of Berwyn.
Candidates line up, committeepeople keep quiet in ‘fluid’ contest to replace Tobolski on county board
The City Council is set to hold its first-ever virtual meeting on Wednesday to test the waters for resuming city business under the state’s stay-at-home order.
Aldermen are scheduled to log onto a videoconference platform at 10 a.m. Monday morning for an “abbreviated” meeting to “adopt rules addressing meetings by videoconference,” according to city officials. The meeting will be broadcast on chicityclerk.com
City to adopt virtual voting rules in ‘abbreviated’ videoconference council meeting
City leaders stepped up their efforts to contain the spread of coronavirus among homeless populations by opening a 100-bed “isolation facility with wraparound services” for indigent patients, Mayor Lori Lightfoot announced Monday.
City expands shelter beds, opens “isolation facility” for homeless COVID-19 patients
Representatives of Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart detailed new social distancing measures, a new “rapid test” for COVID-19 and a distribution regime for cleaning supplies in a legal brief submitted Monday to update a federal judge on efforts to fight the virus inside the Cook County Jail.
Dart touts rapid testing, distancing, soap distribution in update on class-action lawsuit
Chicago Inspector General Joseph Ferguson has opened an investigation into a partial factory demolition that blanketed nearby homes in a cloud of dust on Saturday and prompted two days of fury and finger-pointing from city officials, a spokesperson for the office confirmed on Monday.
City watchdog, Lightfoot administration announce parallel investigations into Crawford implosion
Mayor Lori Lightfoot ordered a citywide moratorium on demolition permits while the Chicago Department of Buildings conducts a “top-to-bottom city review” of how its permitting policy may have led to a coal plant demolition that blanketed the Little Village neighborhood in a cloud of dust on Saturday.
Lightfoot halts demolitions citywide after “unacceptable” implosion blankets Little Village in dust
A second person being held at Cook County Jail has died from the coronavirus, as the family of the first detainee who succumbed to the illness filed a lawsuit targeting the jail’s policy of shackling sick detainees.
Family of 1st person to die in Cook County Jail sues over hospital restraint policy, as Dart announces second coronavirus death
A federal judge on Thursday ordered Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart to accelerate testing, improve cleaning and implement better social distancing measures to slow the rapid spread of coronavirus inside Cook County Jail.
Dart must step up efforts to fight coronavirus inside county jail, judge rules

Rear-door boarding on CTA opens the door to better bus service post-coronavirus, advocates say
The Cook County Medical Examiner’s Office began operating Thursday morning out of a 66,000-square-foot refrigerated warehouse designed to handle the growing number of those who die from the coronavirus, officials announced.
County medical examiner opens ‘surge center’ to handle growing wave of coronavirus deaths
County launches zero-interest suburban loan program to fill ‘gaps’ in city, state business relief efforts
Voters cast their ballots at the Loop Super Site, 191 N. Clark St. [Heather Cherone/The Daily Line]
Almost 30 percent fewer Chicagoans showed up to the polls last month than they did during the 2016 primary, but the coronavirus pandemic did not stop voters from breaking records last month.
Primary turnout surpasses 2018, Cardenas ekes out victory as final results are certified
As the number of deaths from coronavirus in Illinois surpassed 300 on Monday — including the first reported death of a person held at Cook County Jail — those calling for the release of incarcerated people are growing impatient with the speed at which prisoners, detainees and incarcerated youth are being evaluated for release.
Calls for release of prisoners during pandemic grow louder as 1st Cook County Jail detainee dies, 2nd death at Stateville
Daniel La Spata, Jay Ramirez and Lauren Young [Submitted]
Ald. Daniel La Spata (1) declared victory Saturday in his write-in campaign for Democratic Committeeperson in his Northwest Side ward, despite being knocked off the primary ballot.

La Spata wins write-in race for 1st Ward Democratic committeperson
Cook County Assessor Fritz Kaegi. [A.D. Quig/The Daily Line]
Cook County Assessor Fritz Kaegi is restarting the clock on this year’s round of property valuations.
Kaegi will send new assessment notices to property owners in the nine townships that already got mailers from his office this year, he told The Daily Line on Friday. The revised assessments will take into effect the toll that the coronavirus pandemic has already taken on the region’s real estate market.

Kaegi starting over on countywide tax assessments, adjusting for pandemic’s impact on property values
Gov. JB Pritzker’s statewide stay-at-home order will not stop west-suburban Democratic Party leaders from getting together to choose a replacement for Cook County Comm. Jeffrey Tobolski (D-16) later this month.
Burgos, Porfirio emerge as top picks to succeed Tobolski on County Board
County leaders to offer ‘technical assistance’ for businesses seeking pandemic relief
Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle threw cold water Wednesday on property owners’ hopes that their second-installment tax bills may be delayed while they reel from the economic devastation wrought by the coronavirus pandemic.
Preckwinkle holds firm on Aug. 1 property tax deadline as Pappas airs ‘grave and serious concerns'
Solutions reporter, @IllinoisAnswers/@BetterGov. Formerly of @thedailylinechi, @trdchicago & @DNAinfoChi. Amateur baker. Tips: [email protected]