Ward Reports June 14, 2022
Ald. Daniel La Spata (1) tweeted “Please call 311 to request a well-being check for anybody that you're worried about. If there is a medical emergency due to heat, call 911 immediately. Stay hydrated, minimize your time outside, and remember to check in on your friends, family and neighbors!”
Ald. Brendan Reilly (42) tweeted “Sad news about former Illinois Attorney General Jim Ryan’s passing, following his long, brave fight against multiple health issues. We disagreed on plenty, but I believe he served Illinois honorably & with integrity. It was an honor to have known him and may he Rest In Peace.”
Ald. Tom Tunney (44) tweeted “Chicago will be under a Heat Advisory warning starting at noon tomorrow through Wednesday at 8pm. If the heat in your building is too high please contact my office at 773-525-6034, or call 311 for assistance.”
Ald. Matt Martin (47) tweeted “We’ve advocated that the City include a protected bike lane in the new Clark St corridor plan. But their initial plan doesn’t even mention the word ‘bike.’ Tell the city your thoughts 🔗 http://clarkstreetcrossroads.com/engage”
Ald. Maria Hadden (49) tweeted “Save the Date for my Re-Election Kickoff Party on Thursday, July 14! https://fb.me/e/2wHCiOWqN”
Ald. Debra Silverstein (50) tweeted “Early voting is now open at Warren Park (6601 N Western) and sites across the city. Find a location that is convenient for you at http://chicagoelections.gov/en/early-voting.html. Secure drop boxes for Vote By Mail ballots and registration services are also available at early voting sites.”
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