Vicko Alvarez - 2023 Aldermanic Candidate


Vicko Alvarez got her start in public service as a union organizer while she was an undergraduate student at the University of Chicago. A child of Mexican immigrants, Alvarez was born and raised in Texas. She moved to Chicago for college, and as a student, she helped campus workers organize for fair union contracts.

After she graduated, Alvarez held on to her union roots and went on to work as the campaigns director at the United Students Against Sweatshops and Lead Worker Organizer with the United Steelworkers Union. She more recently worked as chief of staff for Ald. Rossana Rodriguez-Sanchez (33). Many of Alvarez’s policy goals differ from Ald. Raymond Lopez (15), who is running for reelection as alderman after dropping out of bid for mayor, particularly in the realm of crime prevention.


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