Donna Miller


Sales Training & Development Specialist Grassroots organizer focus on advancing women's issues helping others! I am a Mother! Together WE can make a difference!
JUL 05, 2023

Last week, I was proud to convene a hearing of the Cook County Board’s Health and Hospitals Committee to discuss the maternal mortality crisis, an issue that is too often overlooked across the country.

The urgency of holding this hearing cannot be overstated. We recently heard the news of the tragic death of Tori Bowie, 2016 Olympian and track athlete, who died in her eighth month of pregnancy, likely due to respiratory distress and eclampsia. An astounding 75% of the gold medal-winning team that Bowie was on has either died from or experienced these complications during pregnancy.


Illinois must address maternal mortality rates, racial disparities in pregnancy-related care

Last week, I was proud to convene a hearing of the Cook County Board’s Health and Hospitals Commi...


Sales Training & Development Specialist Grassroots organizer focus on advancing women's issues helping others! I am a Mother! Together WE can make a difference!