Anthony Beale - 2023 Aldermanic Candidate, Incumbent


Elected: 1999

A south side native, Anthony Beale joined the City Council as one of the youngest elected officials in 1999, successfully unseating the deep Shaw family political dynasty. Beale ran his first election on a campaign of reforming the ward, and has handily won five re-elections since.

His time as alderman has been defined by his goal to drive business growth in the economically struggling ward. He called the flow of new development into his ward a “renaissance,” with the spike of development in the new Pullman Historic District.

Beale worked closely with David Doig and the Chicago Neighborhood Initiatives when they partnered with Ryan Companies to construct the sprawling Pullman Crossings development, a massive industrial project along 1-94 that could host businesses like Whole Foods distribution centers.

Though Beale was close allies to former mayors Richard M. Daley and Rahm Emanuel, he has been one of Mayor Lori Lighfoot’s chief critics.

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