Ward Reports September 13, 2022
Ald. Daniel La Spata (1) tweeted “Hard Chicago Facts: the extreme rain and flooding we saw yesterday is a direct result of climate change. Chicago has a great new climate action plan. Now it needs a great new Department of the Environment to execute on that plan! That’s what we’re fighting for!”
Ald. Mike Rodriguez (22) tweeted “It was a great honor to serve as a grand Marshall of the Mexican Independence Day Parade in Little Village. What a great event!”
Ald. Gilbert Villegas (36) tweeted “I will always fight to keep our communities safe. We need to take action to address the gun violence epidemic.”
Ald. Maria Hadden (49) tweeted “We've made it to week three of petitioning! As we gear up for weeks 4-6, are you available to volunteer and come hang with us for a petition shift? We'll give you a brief training, a clipboard, and materials. You can sign up at the link below!”
Ald. Debra Silverstein (50) tweeted “Our neighborhood was hit hard by yesterday’s historic storm. Nearly 6 inches of rain fell in a little over an hour, severely overtaxing the sewer system. If you got any water in your basement, please contact my office or 311 to report it right away.”
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