Ward Reports September 12, 2024

Ald. Debra Silverstein (50) posted "Thank you to everyone who came out to Legion Park yesterday to spread fresh woodchips over the Hollywood Ave playground! We made the park a safer and nicer space for our children to play. #CleanAndGreen"

Ald. Maria Hadden (49) posted "This week Ald. Hadden joined Ald. Manaa-Hoppenworth, Ald. Vasquez, the Rogers Park Business Alliance, the 24th Police District, and CDOT Commissioner Tom Carney in celebrating the completion of the Clark Streetscape project!"

Ald. Raymond Lopez (15) posted "I remember this morning 23 years ago, waking up to the news of what many initially thought was just an airplane crash - until the second plane hit on live television. So many have forgotten the pain & silence of 9/11. We must remember and fight for who we were on September 12th."

Ald. Andre Vasquez (40) posted "23 years ago, I recall walking into work and seeing our whole team shocked as the TV showed the second plane flying into the World Trade Center. I can still feel the confused fear as we all left downtown here in Chicago, wondering if we would also be a target. The immeasurable trauma our nation felt, the loss of innocent life, not only in the US that day, but around the world because of that day, is something that forever changed us all. It lead to a contrived “war on terror” that took more innocent lives and led to even more terrorism, more xenophobia, more Islamophobia, more fear, and less peace. 23 years later, we still have lessons to learn, as we mourn all those we have lost, and watch some of the same fear to some of the same ignorance, Islamophobia and fury. We hope for and need a future where the fear and fury are no longer a reality. Let us never forget, but let us also learn and grow in peace together."

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