Ward Reports March 14, 2024
Ald. Rossana Rodriguez-Sanchez (33) posted "Our ward office is in collaboration with neighboring alderman to collect toys for children quarantined in shelters during the measles outbreak. Please refer to the lists below for items being collected and where to drop items off. Donation drop off tomorrow and Friday, 10am-3pm."
Ald. Bill Conway (34) posted "Better collaboration between City Council and the Mayor's Office produces better outcomes. Unfortunately, as we've seen, the opposite is also true. With $1.25 billion on the line, the importance of oversight can't be overstated."
Ald. Gilbert Villegas (36) posted "You should believe the far-right when they say they are working to take away social security. Folks deserve the right to retire with dignity and we will fight like hell to preserve those rights. That’s why I am riden with Biden. @JoeBiden @POTUS"
Ald. Maria Hadden (49) posted "Did you know that March is also #SocialWorkMonth? For today's Women's History Month Spotlight, we're introducing you to Social Work Pioneer & Tribal Sovereignty Advocate - Ada Deer. 'I speak up. I speak out.'"
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