Ward Reports June 09, 2023
Ald. Andre Vasquez (40) tweeted "With new elections and Committee assignments come new job openings with Alder Andre Vasquez’s office, both at the ward level and for the Committee on Immigration and Refugee Rights! Please share and apply if interested at https://40thward.org/2023/06/40th-ward-job-posting-chief-of-staff-community-engagement-director-neighbor-engagement-coordinator/…"
Ald. Ronnie Mosley (21) tweeted "Come out and support the Ignite Youth Leadership Council @ the Youth Clean Up Event on June 10th, 9am-1pm! #targetarea #cleangreen #thriving21 #auburngresham"
Ald. Desmon Yancy (5) said on Facebook "Had the opportunity to speak this week at the Jackson Park Highlands homeowners meeting. I spoke with them about my vision for the ward, and how we can combat issues facing the community as a whole. I will be meeting with every association and block club as we work to move the ward forward."
Ald. Peter Chico (10) said on Facebook "Honored for the opportunity to speak to the Class of 2023 at Sadlowski School. The class was filled with so many talented students who will go on to do great things. Thank you to everyone who made this day happen."
Board President Toni Preckwinkle tweeted "Excited to join CCLBA Executive Director Jessica Caffrey, Broadview Mayor Katrina Thompson, and our incredible community partners for the grand opening of Pampered Princess Spa! This small business is a shining example of what's possible when we invest in local entrepreneurs."
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