Ward Reports July 19, 2023
Comm. Scott Britton (D-14) tweeted "My statement on the Supreme Court Ruling to End Cash Bail: 'Poverty should never be the reason a person is in prison. Incarceration should not be dependent on your credit balance. Being labeled a criminal should not be contingent on the ability to pay. I applaud today's Illinois's Supreme Court Ruling on the Pretrial Fairness Act that ends cash bond for this first time and brings us closer to the promise that justice be delivered equally for all.'"
Ald. Raymond Lopez (15) tweeted "Tomorrow City Council will authorize $150M in volume cap bonds to CHA & IHDA to build more affordable housing. Unfortunately they rely NFP developers that have zero interest in building at market-rate pricing. Rather per-unit costs are often 2x or 3x private developer costs."
Ald. Jessie Fuentes (26) tweeted "We stand in solidarity w/ @Healthyillinois demanding healthcare be a human right, not a privilege. We urge legislators to reopen enrollment for immigrant health coverage & negotiated co-pays. Healthcare is a right. @Mujereslatinas @SenatorAquino"
Ald. Peter Chico (10) said on Facebook "#Hey South Deering community, join us on Thursday, August 3, 2023, 6:00 PM at Jovial Club, 9615 S. Commercial Ave to discuss upcoming proposal projects for South Deering. This is for South Deering residents to listen & voice their opinions on these proposed projects."
Ald. Desmon Yancy (5) said on Facebook "The City of Chicago will be hosting Budget Engagement Roundtables starting this week. Come out and make sure your voice is heard!"
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