Ward Reports June 19, 2022
Ald. Daniel La Spata (1) tweeted a photo of a painted bike lane and wrote “The brightest bike lane I’ve ever seen! Felt like I was riding down the Chicago River on St. Patrick’s Day!”
Ald. Matt Martin (47) tweeted “Last year, Chicago allocated $274M to affordable housing and homelessness — but that funding is temporary, pandemic relief. The clock is ticking to establish a permanent, dedicated stream of funding for homelessness. It’s time to pass @BringChiHome’s common sense plan.”
Ald. Debra Silverstein (50) tweeted “Join ‘Coffee with the Commander’ this Wednesday (July 20) at 11 AM at La Unica Restaurant, 1515 W Devon. Meet Commander Joseph Brennan of the 24th District. No speeches, no agenda, just friendly conversation between the public and the police officers tasked with keeping us safe.”
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