Ward Reports January 21, 2022
Ald. Raymond Lopez (15) tweeted “If only there was a law requiring a mayor to fill vacancies in a timely manner”
Ald. Matt O’Shea (19) tweeted “On Saturday, January 29th, the 19th Ward will host a Prescription Drug Drop Off & Document Shredding Event at CrossWinds Church (10835 S Pulaski Rd), 9:00-11:00am.”
Ald. Tom Tunney (44) in his latest newsletter wrote “Chicago Public Schools continues to ramp up COVID testing and vaccination programs now that all our local schools have reopened. I urge CPS families that have not yet done so to consent to allowing weekly, in-school, COVID testing for their children by clicking here.”
Ald. Matt Martin (47) tweeted photos of himself transporting a Christmas tree via bike to be recycled and wrote “There are still a few days left to recycle your Christmas tree at Clark Park!”
Ald. Harry Osterman (48) tweeted “Yesterday, Chicago Police arrested and charged the juvenile offender connected to the robbery and shooting on Glenwood last week.” Osterman included a link to a news release from the Chicago Police Department.
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