Ward Reports January 17, 2024
Ald. Debra Silverstein (50) posted "We are in for another bitterly cold day today. A wind chill advisory is still in effect until noon on Wednesday. So take extreme caution and avoid going outside if possible. If you must go outside, make sure to dress appropriately for the dangerous cold. Stay safe and stay warm!"
Ald. Anthony Napolitano (41) posted "41 Jump Street
As the temperature
continues to drop the next couple of days, make sure your vehicle has an emergency road kit packed with Jumper cables, gloves, hand warmers, extra socks, small snacks, blankets, flashlights, water, and emergency road signals. We were able to help jump a car today, a road kit can help you jump somebody tomorrow."
Ald. William Hall (6) posted "JOBS ALERT
It’s time to bring the jobs back to our community, and until I leave this office EVERY 3rd THURSDAY we are hosting the HOPE AND CAREER FAIR. Please re-read. Every 3rd Thursday of the month send people to this side of the city to apply FOR A JOB AND CAREER! If you are hiring AND WANT A TABLE, text me 773-917-7873.
Please SHARE
Ald. Rossana Rodriguez-Sanchez (33) posted "It's time to vote for 2024 Participatory Budgeting in the 33rd Ward! Voting will be open until February 16. Voting is open to all residents of the Ward ages 13 and up, and/or to parents who have a child who attends school in the ward. 33rd Ward community members are all encouraged to take part in PB regardless of their citizenship status, race, gender, sexuality, language, etc. MORE INFORMATION AVAILABLE HERE: https://33rdward.org/participatory-budgeting/"
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