Ward Reports February 28, 2024

Ald. Maria Hadden (49) posted "Opponents to @BringChiHome are sharing the referendum has "been kicked off the ballot entirely," which is untrue & intentionally confusing voters. BCH is still on the ballot but the City of Chicago needs to win the appeal filed today to validate the votes."

Ald. Carlos Ramirez-Rosa (35) posted "Spring cleaning started early in our 35th Ward today with @StreetsandSan and our Ward Superintendent hard at work cleaning underpasses in Avondale."

Ald. Matt Martin (47) posted "When Hawaii moved to close a campaign finance loophole some called it "the biggest loophole in any pay to play law around the country." Chicago has the same loophole. But as @BetterGov notes, we can fix it by passing @ChicagoEthicsBd proposed changes."

Ald. Bill Conway (34) posted "Please join C3 Presents for a community engagement meeting ahead of this summer’s Lollapalooza and Sueños festivals. This meeting is taking place on March 7th from 6-7pm, and you can register here: https://livenation.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_SWvONN1yTBSLCp8c0bN2eQ#/registration"

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