Ward Reports February 14, 2023
Ald. Brendan Reilly (42) tweeted on the 5th anniversary of Commander Paul Bauer's death "I remember every detail of that horrific afternoon like it happened just yesterday. A terrible loss for our city and the many people who knew and loved the man. Rest in peace, Commander."
Ald. Andre Vasquez (40) tweeted "All I’m gonna say is that if you believe requiring a Labor Peace Agreement for organizations that get funds from the city is “tit for tat” or “pay to play”, just say you’re anti-Union and save everyone the time of having a false argument."
Ald. Raymond Lopez (15) tweeted "Vote early, not often."
Ald. Sophia King (4) tweeted "Happy 214th Birthday, President Lincoln! Thank you for showing us of the power of the will of the people."
Ald. Gilbert Villegas (36) tweeted "Neighbors, The Chicago municipal elections have begun and they run through Feb. 28th. Please let us know if you need a ride to your polling place or any other assistance. Our campaign number is (773) 630-3644."
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