Ward Reports February 01, 2023
Ald. Sophia King (4) tweeted “We need to find efficiencies in our current budget to cut gimmick spending and waste. Next we need to leverage opportunity zones and put billions in funding into our neighborhoods to grow our tax base. #SophiaforChicago”
Ald. Rossana Rodriguez-Sanchez (33) tweeted “As long as we don’t have a strong public social services sector to care for our communities, workers at nonprofits need to be able to unionize and collectively bargain for healthy working conditions. Period.”
Ald. Byron Sigcho Lopez (25) tweeted “I understand how critical our schools and libraries are for the strength and fabric of our communities – now even more so as a new dad. I am running for re-election to ensure my family and yours continue to have an honest and hard working advocate. #byronfor25”
Ald. Debra Silverstein (50) tweeted “Vital mental health services are coming to the 50th Ward with an upcoming expansion of the CARE program. This will help those in crisis access the care they need, while freeing up the police to respond to more appropriate emergencies. Click for more info: https://mailchi.mp/50thwardchicago/chicagos-50th-ward-newsletter-fq4qmetwzc-1602497”
Ald. Carlos Ramirez-Rosa (35) tweeted “The solution to homelessness is housing, not sweeps. I joined United Neighbors of the 35th Ward, the Illinois Union of the Homeless, and Humboldt Park residents to protect our homeless neighbors from a sweep and demand the passage of the Bring Chicago Home ordinance.”
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