Ward Reports December 05, 2023
Ald. Maria Hadden (49) posted "The Mayor's recently passed budget calls for restoring 2 city-run mental health clinics. 2 clinics is not the complete response advocates hoped for and while reopening clinics takes time, allocating funds to expand mental health services is a step forward."
Ald. Bill Conway (34) posted "Great day at Sheridan Park for the 34th Ward Bingo Party! @ChicagoParks Thanks to all who attended, and a special thank you to @ChicagoCAPS12 for sharing safety tips for seniors and to State Rep. Yolonda Morris & @SenLCollins for calling a few rounds of bingo!"
Ald. Carlos Ramirez-Rosa (35) posted "I filed our petition to run for re-election as our 35th Ward Democratic Committeeperson today. Thank you to our United @Neighbors35th volunteers & ward voters who secured our movement's place on the ballot. Vote for progressive candidates up & down the ballot on March 19, 2024!"
Ald. Angela Clay (46) posted "New this year to the 46th Ward Ald. Clay’s office is introducing a process known as participatory budgeting! Head to http://46thward.com/participatory-budgeting… to read about what makes projects eligible and find the link to submit project ideas (through Dec 8th!)."
Ald. Raymond Lopez (15) posted "Why do the two most recent environmental disasters (HILCO & soon-to-be BrighTENT Park) involve Latino communities, a “progressive” mayor unwilling to listen, and Latino leaders too timid to hold them accountable?"
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