Ward Reports December 01, 2022
Ald. Matt Martin (47) tweeted “The votes are in! With a record number of voters (more than 1,500), this year's winning projects for participatory budgeting are:
🚲 Bike Lane Improvements
🏓 Pickleball at Welles Park
We're also exploring alternative funding sources for the runner up project.”
Ald. Raymond Lopez (15), in response to news Chicago Fire owner Joe Mansueto donated $25,000 to Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s reelection campaign after her push to lease land for public housing to the team, tweeted “In light of this, I have asked the @ChicagoOIG, @ChicagoEthicsBd & Committee on Ethics to investigate and review this matter for possible violations of the city’s Governmental Ethics Ordinance.”
Ald. Daniel La Spata (1) tweeted “.@cta is hosting a career fair this Friday at @MX_College from 9am–1pm! Learn about job opportunities, benefits, and apply on-site. Register for the fair at https://buff.ly/3GVBE6T.”
Ald. Susan Sadlowski Garza (10) tweeted “The Department of Family and Support Services will be providing Christmas Holiday Ham baskets. Please call (312-747-0331) or stop by their office (8650 S. Commercial) to make appointment.”
Ald. Stephanie Coleman (16) posted on Facebook “🚨🔔🔈COMMUNITY ALERT 🔔🔈🚨
Chicago’s Overnight Winter Parking Ban Starts Tomorrow Morning! Beware where you park your vehicle whether it is snowing or not.”
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