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    July 30th is the United Nations’ World Day Against Trafficking in Persons. It is a call to action to address the shortcomings we’ve seen globally in the effort to put an end to this deplorable crime and accelerate change.

    This year’s theme, “Leave No Child Behind in the Fight Against Human Trafficking,” underscores the urgent need for action to end child trafficking, as well as support all survivors of human trafficking, especially our most vulnerable. It also serves as a reminder of the role we all play in addressing this issue head on.

    Human trafficking is a billion-dollar industry and a modern-day form of slavery that impacts millions of men, women and children across the globe. In fact, 1 in 3 victims of human trafficking globally is a child. Both globally and here in Illinois, the identification and protection of victims remains challenging due to underreporting, lack of awareness, and inadequate resources for victim support services. Traffickers often employ coercion, deception, and threats to maintain control over their victims, making it difficult for authorities to intervene.

    The unfortunate reality is that human trafficking is often carried out using legitimate businesses. Sadly, hotels in cities large and small are occasionally used by traffickers to exploit their victims without the operator’s knowledge. Because of this, hotel employees are uniquely positioned to help serve as the first line of defense to identify and prevent this crime. The hotel industry takes our responsibility to stop human trafficking seriously.

    Here in Illinois, we have long prioritized working together with local, state and national officials like Representative Terra Costa Howard to help bring this horrible crime to an end, support survivors and ensure traffickers face justice.

    In 2019, we worked side by side to pass a new law that standardized practices many hotels already had in place, to give employees the proper tools and education to recognize and respond to human trafficking. The Human Trafficking Recognition Training Act requires hotel employees in Illinois to receive training every two years on the warning signs of human trafficking and the best practices for reporting suspected criminal activity. The IHLA also regularly hosts training sessions and events to make sure employees in Illinois and across the nation are given the support they need in our collective effort to end human trafficking.

    We in Illinois are proud to be leaders in the effort to combat human trafficking. But more needs to be done to raise awareness about the issue of human trafficking, especially child trafficking. It’s important we keep this work front of mind not just as we acknowledge World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, but every day of the year. Urgent and comprehensive action is essential to tackle this dire situation, protect vulnerable groups from exploitation, and support survivors of trafficking. We are committed to continuing to do our part and encourage everyone to learn the warning signs of human trafficking so that you can join us in this effort.

    To get help from the National Human Trafficking Resource Center, please call 1-888-373-7888. Do not attempt to confront a trafficker or a victim. Call 911 for emergency situations including threats of violence, assault or emergency medical needs.

    - Michael Jacobson, President and CEO of the Illinois Hotel & Lodging Association.

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