Donovan Griffith


Knox College Alumni. Baseball card collector. Director of Government Affairs for the Illinois Manufacturers’ Association. Tweets are my own.
APR 02, 2023

According to a recent study, the total economic impact of manufacturing in Illinois is estimated to be $580 billion every year – the largest share of any industry to the state’s Gross Domestic Product.

Manufacturing has always been the backbone of Illinois. From food and electronics to pharmaceuticals and everyday essential goods, our state’s manufacturing industry has global reach, powering our economy and providing robust job opportunities for our state’s residents. In fact, according to a new economic impact report, manufacturers directly and indirectly employ nearly 30% of Illinoisans, providing real living wages that total $142 billion in annual wages and benefits.


Manufacturers Need Certainty—Not Harmful Regulations

According to a recent study, the total economic impact of manufacturing in Illinois is estimated ...


Knox College Alumni. Baseball card collector. Director of Government Affairs for the Illinois Manufacturers’ Association. Tweets are my own.