Sallie Greenberg
APR 29, 2024

Meeting the international target of no more than 2° Celsius of warming above pre-industrial levels is an extraordinary challenge we must meet to address global climate change.

Illinois needs every tool at its disposal to do its part. For more than 20 years, geologists and engineers at the University of Illinois’s Prairie Research Institute (PRI) have been developing and evaluating methods for the safe capture, storage, and re-use of planet-warming CO2 from power plants and industrial operations.

This process, called carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS), can play a critical role in achieving the state’s decarbonization goals by capturing CO2 that would otherwise be emitted into the atmosphere. CCUS is widely considered to be essential to meeting emission reduction goals called for in climate models.


Illinois Can Reduce Emissions Without Harming the Economy

Meeting the international target of no more than 2° Celsius of warming above pre-industrial level...