Ward Reports January 17, 2023

Ald. Daniel La Spata (1) tweeted "Attention Milwaukee Avenue bus (56) riders: until further notice, the route detour between Addison and Cicero will remain in effect."

Ald. Sophia King (4) tweeted "Our thoughts and prayers are with the loved ones of the worker who was killed in the building collapse yesterday at 749 E. Oakwood, and with the neighbors who helped and were impacted. Our thanks to the amazing first responders for your work."

Ald. Carlos Ramirez-Rosa (35) tweeted "CPD is receiving more funding this year than ever in our city's history. How many more public dollars does Congressman Garcia believe CPD needs to be "fully funded"? How will he generate those dollars? If elected, is Garcia planning to raise Chicagoans property taxes?"

Ald. Brendan Reilly (42) tweeted "This is exactly the moment when we learn whether or not we confirmed the right person for Inspector General. If you believe this was a “well-intended mistake” - you probably voted for George Santos for Congress."

Ald. Timmy Knudsen (43) tweeted "During my first few months on City Council, I co-sponsored legislation to crack down on illegal guns and improve CTA safety. We also increased violence prevention funding by $100M. I'll keep partnering with leaders at every level of government to keep our neighborhoods safe."

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