Ward Reports August 12, 2022
Ald. Susan Sadlowski Garza (10) tweeted “There will be a free vaccine and microchip event at Calumet Park on August 27th from 11AM-3PM. Tickets will be handed out at 10:30AM. 500 animals served or until supplies run out.”
Ald. Raymond Lopez (15) tweeted “Not a single TIF dollar more to @ChicagoParks if @chicagosmayor chooses to defile our city’s tribute to those who served this country. Call your Alderman/Alderwoman. Tell them to stand strong in defense of our city’s values! Co-sponsor my order today”
Ald. Rossana Rodriguez-Sanchez (33) tweeted “Would people be game to create a vacation rental network to help with shelter for people seeking reproductive care in Chicago? With an abortion ban in Indiana we will see a lot of people coming to Chicago and we will need that kind of solidarity.”
Ald. Debra Silverstein (50) tweeted “I am bringing the 50th Ward Office to you this summer! Meet me in the Ward this Monday (August 15) from 4-6 p.m. at the corner of Peterson & Drake. My staff and I will be ready to help you with any of your city service needs.”
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