Joel Ebert is The Daily Line's reporter covering the Illinois state government. He covered politics in Illinois, South Dakota and West Virginia before joining The Tennessean in 2016 to report on the Tennessee General Assembly and state government. In West Virginia, he worked as a daily statehouse reporter before transitioning to provide daily coverage of the trial of former Massey Energy CEO Don Blankenship, who became the first chief executive of a major corporation convicted of a workplace safety crime. A native of Illinois and graduate of the University of Illinois at Chicago, Ebert is a student of Chicago politics whose work has been cited by national media. He’s received awards from the press associations in South Dakota, West Virginia and Tennessee, including the Malcolm Law Award for investigative reporting. In 2019, he was a National Press Foundation fellow.
Former state govt & legislative reporter for @thedailylineIL, @Tennessean, @wvgazettemail, @charleywest & @capitaljournalMore than half of United Center vaccination slots unfilled as officials shift to ‘targeted’ approach
Contradicting earlier reports that all of the vaccination appointment slots available at the United Center were filled, officials said on Tuesday that tens of thousands of appointments have not yet been taken but will be filled with a more “targeted” and “equity” approach.
Gov. JB Pritzker, Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot and Chicago Department of Public Health Comm. Allison Arwady announced the open slots alongside other local and federal officials Tuesday morning at the United Center, where they marked the opening of the massive vaccination site set to administer 6,000 vaccines per day for at least the next eight weeks. Arwady said the site will ultimately deliver about 336,000 shots of the two-dose Pfizer vaccine meaning about 168,000 could be vaccinated at the United Center in the next eight weeks. City officials originally projected 110,000 shots would be available at the United Center.

More than half of United Center vaccination slots unfilled as officials shift to ‘targeted’ approach
State Rep. Sonya Harper (D-Chicago) speaks at an Illinois Legislative Black Caucus press conference [Illinois House Democratic Caucus]
State regulators and lawmakers are vowing to charge ahead with a fresh round of pot dispensary licenses this year, even as disagreements remain over how to revive the state’s beleaguered efforts to ensure equity in the approval process.

State, county leaders chart path forward for cannabis licensing after botched rollout
News in brief: Hastings to run for Secretary of State; Cook County Cannabis Commission to meet Wednesday; Johnson & Johnson vaccine headed to state

News in brief: Hastings to run for Secretary of State; Cook County Cannabis Commission to meet Wednesday; Johnson & Johnson vaccine headed to state
News in brief: Pritzker expands vaccine eligibility; Senate committee search for answers on unemployment issues

News in brief: Pritzker expands vaccine eligibility; Senate committee search for answers on unemployment issues
With the narrow passage of Chicago and Cook County’s pandemic budgets and the initial rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine behind them in 2020, officials this year are tasked with redrawing Chicago ward, Cook County district, Illinois General Assembly and congressional district maps.
Drawing new maps and redistricting across the country occurs every 10 years, following the decennial census count. The purpose of redrawing in its simplest form is to ensure equitable representation as the population of the state and cities waxes, wanes and shifts.

Chicago, Cook County and Illinois to tackle the ‘very complicated project’ of redistricting this year
Gov. JB Pritzker on Monday outlined the state’s distribution plan for the forthcoming COVID-19 vaccine for children between 5 and 11 years old.
Anticipating the forthcoming regulatory approval for the next round COVID-19 vaccines, Gov. JB Pritzker on Monday said children in Illinois between 5 and 11 –years old could start getting vaccinated as early as next week.

Pritzker outlines plan to distribute COVID-19 vaccine for children 5 to 11 years old
Rep. Robyn Gabel (D-Evanston) has filed bill to create a COVID-19 exemption to a 1998 ‘conscience’ law in an effort to deprive vaccination opponents of a legal tool. And Gov. JB Pritzker announced a sixth union agreement to require state workers to get vaccinated against the virus.

News in brief: Gabel files bill to create COVID exemption to health ‘conscience’ law; Pritzker announces 6th COVID-19 vaccine agreement
ComWell Behavioral Health Services executive director Shea Haurey was one of several behavorial and mental health providers who urged lawmakers on Friday to provide the industry greater funding to help address workforce shortages.
With an increased demand for mental and behavioral health services and a shortage of workers, Illinois should fully utilize its federal American Rescue Plan Act dollars, deploy mobile health units, waive regulations and ultimately change the way providers are paid, a panel of state officials and advocates told lawmakers on Friday.

Mental health providers urge lawmakers to speed up funding to address workforce shortage
Democrats on Friday released an updated congressional map proposal. And Gov. JB Pritzker ordered COVID-19 vaccinations for daycare staff.

News in brief: Democrats release updated congressional map proposal; Pritzker orders vaccinations for daycare staff
Sen. Darren Bailey (R-Xenia) posted his best quarter yet in terms of fundraising according to his latest campaign finance reports.
New campaign finance reports revealed the ongoing struggles of the state Democratic Party to raise money, a surge of new donations to legislative leaders and the continued financial difficulties facing the Republican candidates running for the chance to oust Gov. JB Pritzker.

With Pritzker maintaining money advantage, Bailey posts strong totals as Schimpf struggles for cash in GOP race for governor
Faith Colson, who testified before a Senate committee in August, praised the chamber’s passage on Wednesday of a bill aimed at combatting sexual abuse and misconduct in Illinois schools.
The Senate on Wednesday unanimously approved a measure designed to bolster training and resources to combat sexual abuse and misconduct in Illinois schools, plus a separate bill to make midwifery in Illinois a licensed occupation.

Senate approves bills to license midwives, fight sexual abuse in schools
Witnesses on Wednesday urged Democrats to keep the state’s 3rd congressional district intact. And Gov. JB Pritzker announced a new school safety initiative and a fifth union vaccine agreement.

News in brief: Witnesses urge Dems to keep 3rd congressional district intact; Pritzker announces school safety initiative, 5th union vaccine agreement
A three-judge panel on Tuesday issued an opinion that found the legislative redistricting maps touted by Rep. Lisa Hernandez (D-Cicero) and Senate President Don Harmon (D-Oak Park) earlier this year were unconstitutional.
A panel of judges handling two of the lawsuits challenging the state’s legislative redistricting maps on Tuesday issued an opinion that said the June-approved district boundaries violated the U.S. Constitution, leaving open the possibility for the federal court to create new maps.

Federal court declares first legislative redistricting maps unconstitutional, encourages plaintiffs to submit proposals
Rep. La Shawn Ford (D-Chicago) on Tuesday touted a bill that would give prisoners the right to vote. Four GOP senators proactively pushed back on a bill that would eliminate Illinois’ parental notification law for teen abortions. And Gov. JB Pritzker encouraged elderly residents to get their COVID-19 booster shots.

News in brief: Ford touts bill to let prisoners vote; GOP senators defend abortion notification law; Pritzker, IDPH encourage COVID-19 boosters
Senate President Don Harmon, House Speaker Chris Welch and Gov. JB Pritzker posed for a photo on Sept. 15 after the governor signed the omnibus energy bill into law.
The General Assembly on Tuesday will reconvene for its scheduled veto session that is expected to be more focused on approving new congressional redistricting boundaries and a handful of lingering bills more than it will be on overriding any bills rejected by the governor.

With no vetoes to consider, fall session could include action on redistricting, abortion, electric cars
The East St. Louis NAACP has filed a lawsuit over Illinois’ legislative redistricting map. U.S. Rep. Rush (D-Ill.) excoriated Democrats’ draft congressional map. Gov. JB Pritzker announced a third union vaccine agreement. And Pritzker announced new funding for a years-long renovation of I-80.

News in brief: NAACP group files lawsuit over legislative map; Rush excoriates draft congressional map; Pritzker announces union vaccine agreement
Illinois Democrats on Friday released their first draft of new congressional boundaries that were criticized by Republicans, outside observers and U.S. Rep. Marie Newman.
Democrats on Friday released a first draft of their proposed congressional district boundaries, which they said would ensure equal representation for communities across Illinois. But they were met with a wide array of criticism from Republicans, advocacy groups and U.S. Rep. Marie Newman (D-Ill.).

Democrats face backlash on all sides with release of draft congressional boundaries
Gov. JB Pritzker and First Lady MK Pritzker on Friday released portions of their 2020 tax returns. And Senate President Don Harmon’s (D-Oak Park) chief of staff contracted COVID-19.

News in brief: Pritzkers release portion of 2020 tax returns; Harmon’s chief of staff contracts COVID-19
Rep. Tim Butler (R-Springfield) expressed concern Thursday about the lack of information about Democrats’ plans to create new judicial subcircuits in Illinois.
When lawmakers announced their plans to hold a series of public hearings to gather input for the creation of new congressional and judicial subcircuit maps, Democrats indicated they were looking at creating new judicial boundaries for counties with populations of more than 150,000 people.

Mystery, GOP suspicion surround effort to draw new judicial subcircuits: ‘It’s going to be a travesty’
Gov. JB Pritzker announced a $15 million investment in ‘wet’ labs designed to advance research in biotechnology and medicine. And a racing board commissioner called for lawmakers to rewrite Illinois’ gaming laws to help horse racing by shifting regulations around how people can place bets.

News in brief: Pritzker announces investments in ‘wet’ labs; Racing board commissioner calls for lawmakers to help horse racing
Wednesday’s redistricting hearings continued to feature little public participation. And a group filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Justice alleging that Illinois’ new legislative maps infringe on the rights of Black voters.

News in brief: Redistricting hearings continue to feature little public participation; group files legislative redistricting complaint with justice department
Kelly Cunningham, the Medicaid director for the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services, on Wednesday provided four House committees an overview of a new report calling for changes to the state’s nursing home industry.
Illinois lawmakers can improve the state’s long-term care facilities by tying Medicaid money to performance and using $444 million in incentives and subsidies to help the industry, according to a new report from the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services.

'No better time for reform’ of Illinois’ nursing homes, among ‘lowest-ranked’ in nation, officials say
Sen. Elgie Sims (D-Chicago) and Sen. Jason Plummer (R-Edwardsville) engaged in a partisan-charged 20-minute discussion about the redistricting process during Tuesday’s latest Senate hearing on congressional redistricting.
Lawmakers’ congressional redistricting hearings continued to be plagued by lack of participation on Tuesday, with just three witnesses offering testimony in a hearing that largely consisted of partisan bickering.

Low attendance, partisan bickering highlight latest congressional redistricting hearings
The Illinois Municipal League and Illinois mayors are calling on the legislature to pass four bills during the veto session they say will help their municipalities.
With one week until the start of the General Assembly’s fall veto session, Illinois mayors on Tuesday joined the Illinois Municipal League in calling on the legislature to pass four bills they say will help their municipalities by opening a new avenue for small business supports, tweaking gambling rules, codifying a parking tax break and allowing more remote meetings.
Municipal league outlines veto session priorities: TIF, gambling, parking, public meetings
Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity acting director Sylvia Garcia on Thursday gave lawmakers an overview of the preliminary allocation of Back to Business grants.
A newly launched grant program aimed at helping small businesses recover from the COVID-19 pandemic has awarded 784 companies a total of $36 million as of last week with a majority of funding going to minority-owned businesses, a state official told a panel of lawmakers on Thursday.

Majority of 1st-round ‘Back to Business’ grants went to minority-owned businesses, officials say as industry begs for more
Former state govt & legislative reporter for @thedailylineIL, @Tennessean, @wvgazettemail, @charleywest & @capitaljournal