Committee on Economic, Capital and Technology Development Preview: Tax Incentives and Community Development Commission Appointments
Two names familiar to real estate development in Chicago–David Reifman and Eileen Rhodes–are getting appointments to the Community Development Commission, the 15 member panel that issues recommendations on TIFs, redevelopment areas, and membership to Community Conservation Councils.
Reifman was recently appointed commissioner for the Department of Planning and Development, and who specialized in zoning, land use planning, TIFs, historic preservation, and public-private partnerships at DLA Piper, according to the Mayor’s release on his appointment.
Rhodes is President of East Lake Management Group, which specializes in affordable housing development and management. Rhodes served as treasurer for First CD Victory PAC, according to Illinois Sunshine, and also donated personally to many aldermanic Black Caucus campaigns. First CD Victory was active in the 2007 elections, donating to aldermanic campaigns for Madeline Haithcock (2), Latasha Thomas (17), Berny Stone (50), Lona Lane, and Economic, Capital and Technology Development Committee Chair Howard Brookins (21) by leading developers who supported then-Mayor Richard M. Daley. Rhodes was also listed on United Communities of Chicago’s PAC, which was active in the 2011 elections.
The committee is also set to vote on a handful of class 6(b) certifications in the 9th, 25th, and 38th wards, and a class 7(c) certification for an auto dealership in West Ridge.
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