46th Ward - 2023 Aldermanic Race

Angela Clay - 2023 Aldermanic Candidate
Angela Clay is an activist and fourth-generation Uptown resident who was among those who challenged outgoing Ald. James Cappleman (46) for the seat in 2019 and is running again in the open race as a progressive candidate. Clay has the backing of Ald. Rossana Rodriguez-Sanchez (33), Ald. Byron Sigcho-Lopez (18) and former Ald. Helen Shiller. According to Block Club Chicago Clay’s activism has recently centered on fighting for affordable housing and the rights of tenants from lower rungs on the socio-economic ladder.

Patrick Nagle - 2023 Aldermanic Candidate
Patrick Nagle is the chief administrative law judge for the federal Social Security Administration (SSA). Before his judicial appointment, Nagle worked in the U.S. Department of Justice and for the SSA as a litigant. Nagle is vice president of the East Lakeview Neighbors Association and has served on the 46th Ward Zoning Board.

Marianne Lalonde - 2023 Aldermanic Candidate
Research scientist and community activist Marianne Lalonde is making another run for 46th Ward alderman, four years after forcing outgoing Ald. James Cappleman (46) into a runoff and losing by just 25 votes. Lalonde is a political organizer who helped start the progressive Lakeview Uptown Independent Political Organization and is an energy efficiency professional. She has also served on the Associates’ Board of Sarah's Circle, the Illinois Environmental Council's Young Professionals Board, the North Lake Shore Drive Study Task Force and on advisory committees at Clarendon Park and Uplift High School, according to her website. She has said the COVID-19 pandemic exemplifies why it’s important to have someone with a scientific background on the City Council.

Roushaundra Williams - 2023 Aldermanic Candidate
Roushaunda Williams has been a social worker and now works as a union bartender at the Palmer House Hilton hotel, according to her Williams has been endorsed by the Chicago Federation of Labor.

Kimberly Walz - 2023 Aldermanic Candidate
Kimberly Walz’s political experience began when she worked for U.S. Rep. Mike Quigley, first when he served as the Cook County Commissioner and then when he was in Congress. After she left Quigley’s office, Walz worked in consulting with the Obando Group. Her work there included the campaigns of former Mayor Rahm Emanuel and San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee. She also worked on Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign in Illinois. More recently, Walz has been working for Walgreens as the company’s regional director of state and governmental relations.